Thank You on Memorial Day

In the United States Monday, May 27, is Memorial Day. It is a day we set aside as a national holiday to remember and honor those who have served in the military, many of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country.

I live in this country only because of the providence of God, just as others live in their unique countries by the providence of God. In His providential overruling of history, God works through people, including a nation’s military forces. In my case, it would be impossible to list all that I enjoy because others have served in our military.

My point is, first I am grateful to God, as I should be because I owe Him. Second, I also offer to the military men and women who serve/d past and present to protect our country and our freedoms: THANK YOU.

About Linda

Linda has served as a biblical counselor since 2008. She holds a master degree in biblical counseling from The Master's University in California, and is certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, She authored "Parenting the Difficult Child: A Biblical Perspective on Reactive Attachment Disorder." Linda and her husband have three grown children, both biological and adopted. She enjoys friends, piano, singing, making cards, and bird watching.
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